If you have some pet birds, but are unbeknownst of their gender, this farmland trick will help you determine if they're male or female birds. Use this technique for any kind of birds… parrots, pigeons ...

A birdcage is your bird's home, and if you want them to be happy members of your family you should follow some common-sense guidelines for positioning the cage. This video will introduce you to these ...

Birds are tricky to train due to their tiny brains, but nearly any hook-billed bird species can be trained to step onto your finger on command. They're at least that smart. This video will teach you a ...

Want to see more birds in your garden? There are three basic things you could give the birds to keep them coming back, and those are fresh water to drink and bathe in, plenty of cover for them to nest ...

Feeding birds isn't the same as feeding ducks. Ducks are practically fearless when it comes to filling their tummies, but other birds aren't as brave, especially when it comes to baby birds. Baby bird ...

In this tutorial, pet expert Marc Morrone teaches you how to teach your feathered friends some manners so that they don't squawk all day and night. Parrots and other exotic birds are essentially wild ...

Parakeets are small, colorful, friendly and chatty and all of these reasons make them great pets for kids. In this clip, learn how to select and care for your little feathered friends with pet expert, ...

In this tutorial, animal expert Marc Morrone shows you exactly how to feed and care for your pet bird so that they live a long, healthy life. Check this out and learn when, how and what to feed your f ...

In this tutorial, learn all about taking care of pet birds from Marc Morrone. Marc will offer your expert advice on choosing and loving a beautiful bird and explain why they make fantastic pets. Befor ...